AllCast is an app that lets you view photos and videos to any of the following devices: Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Roku, WDTV, or a Smart TV from Samsung, Sony or Panasonic. AllCast is a perfect app for sending music, photos, and videos to TV from Android or PC. It will Provide a big-screen viewing experience as compared with the small mobile phone screen. AllCast application is fully compatible with many smart TVs, streaming devices and gaming consoles.
Briohn designed and constructed this 14,000 SF foundry addition for Allcast. Allcast is a custom aluminum die casting and tooling company that offers a variety of highly-engineered, precision aluminum tooling and die services, including casting capabilities ranging from 400 to 1,800 tons, CNC machining, drilling, tapping, grinding, turning, heat-treating, deburring and finishing.
The location of this addition in relation to the rest of the factory was important for internal production flow. Therefore, the addition had to be constructed on the south end of the building, where the addition needed to accommodate a 12-foot grade difference from the existing finished floor to the exterior grade, while maintaining room for exterior parking. The addition includes: