I have been working VBA to scrape website HTML code using the Microsoft HTML Object Library and the Microsoft Internet Controls Library. Now that support for Internet Explorer is being phased out, I am trying to switch my code over to scrape Google Chrome using the Selenium Type Library which is an open source download. 'I would like to go to a website that have iframes, fill out text boxes in the iframe, then click a button in the iframe 'Here is my base code that works for a website that does not have iframes '1) open a website, fill out the building information, and Click Search '2) Click all open. OzGrid Free Excel/VBA Help Forum. References in the VBE, 'Microsoft Internet Controls' is not there. This is on my home laptop (Excell 2002 SP3) but.
To Automate the Internet Explorer (IE) using Microsoft Excel, say for example you want to login to your gmail account using Microsoft Excel. Please follow the steps mentioned below
Create the object of Internet Explorer
Set objIEBrowser = CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”)
Make the Internet Explorer visible
objIEBrowser.Visible = True
Navigate to the www.gmail.com
objIEBrowser.Navigate2 “www.gmail.com”
Wait till the browser is busy and page is fully loaded
Do While objIEBrowser.Busy
Do While objIEBrowser.ReadyState < 4
You can also call FnWait() for Explicit wait . Click Here
Get the document Object
Set objPage = objIEBrowser.Document
Identify the objects on the Page using “GetElementById”
Set NameEditB = objPage.getElementByID(“Email”)
Set the Authentication details in the Gmail login page
NameEditB.Value = strUserName
Identify the Sign In Button using “GetElementById” and Click on it
Set SignIn = objPage.getElementByID(“signIn”)
Complete Code: