Stage plots are often an under-used resource by many artists. This is largely in part to the fact most artists don’t get asked for stage plots unless they are performing large-scale events, events with multiple artists such as festivals, etc…. Even though your local bar sound tech won’t be asking for a stage plot when you play there, that doesn’t mean you can’t make things easier by using one.

Stageplotpro serial numberStage plot examples

Stage Plot Designer. Print To save PDF, choose 'Save as PDF' from list of printers, devices, or destinations. SHOW DATE / TIME. A Stage Plot provides all used instruments and tools for planning your show. Any techrider will have a line up which gives an overview of the band. In this section all available items are listed together with a short description. Its called StagePlot Guru for iPad. SPG is a mobile, efficient, and customizable stage plot design program that gives production staff, musicians, and other behind-the-scenes technical staff, the ability to see at a glance, exactly how instrumentation, amps, lights, platforms, and other 'props' should be organized on stage.

What Is A Stage Plot?

So what is a stage plot? This is the simple part. It is simply a diagram showing your personal/band’s stage positioning and input requirements. In other words, what you need the venue to provide for your stage setup. You stage plot helps the sound tech to setup the stage in advance, know how many monitors will be needed, and plan for all necessary equipment such as microphones, mic stands, cables, etc….

Inputs First

One of the best things to start with on your stage plot is what inputs you’ll need on the snake or mixer. Basically this is a rundown of how many microphones/cables you will need. You don’t have to get specific at this point about who needs what. That’s the stage plot’s job.

The Stage Plot

Now we want to show specifically what the stage setup will be like. Since stages can vary a lot you may want to avoid any specifics about dimensions other than your minimum requirements. However you will want to show a basic layout of how the group will be arranged on stage along with listing specific cable and microphone requirements for each person.

For a good example of a stage plot, take a look at the AM/FM Rock Show’s stage plot.

So How Do I Make A Stage Plot?

Well this is where you have to get down and dirty and actually make on. While hopefully you have followed the trend of being computer literate for your musical career needs, you fortunately don’t have to be a graphic artist to make a stage plot. You can use something as simple as Microsoft Word or a free basic drawing program. If you expect to need to make regular changes to your stage plot, you may wish to consider software such as StagePlot Pro. Otherwise, something simpler like should be sufficient.


In the end, just remember that a stage plot is an easy way to make sure all of the performers and event staff are happy.

Professional guitarist and instructor based in Alabama; performance, songwriting, and recording. Atlanta Institute of Music graduate. Part-time blogger.


Stage plots are often an under-used resource by many artists. This is largely in part to the fact most artists don’t get asked for stage plots unless they are performing large-scale events, events with multiple artists such as festivals, etc…. Even though your local bar sound tech won’t be asking for a stage plot when you play there, that doesn’t mean you can’t make things easier by using one.

What Is A Stage Plot?

So what is a stage plot? This is the simple part. It is simply a diagram showing your personal/band’s stage positioning and input requirements. In other words, what you need the venue to provide for your stage setup. You stage plot helps the sound tech to setup the stage in advance, know how many monitors will be needed, and plan for all necessary equipment such as microphones, mic stands, cables, etc….

Inputs First

One of the best things to start with on your stage plot is what inputs you’ll need on the snake or mixer. Basically this is a rundown of how many microphones/cables you will need. You don’t have to get specific at this point about who needs what. That’s the stage plot’s job.

The Stage Plot

Now we want to show specifically what the stage setup will be like. Since stages can vary a lot you may want to avoid any specifics about dimensions other than your minimum requirements. However you will want to show a basic layout of how the group will be arranged on stage along with listing specific cable and microphone requirements for each person.

For a good example of a stage plot, take a look at the AM/FM Rock Show’s stage plot.

So How Do I Make A Stage Plot?

Stage Plotting

Well this is where you have to get down and dirty and actually make on. While hopefully you have followed the trend of being computer literate for your musical career needs, you fortunately don’t have to be a graphic artist to make a stage plot. You can use something as simple as Microsoft Word or a free basic drawing program. If you expect to need to make regular changes to your stage plot, you may wish to consider software such as StagePlot Pro. Otherwise, something simpler like should be sufficient.

In the end, just remember that a stage plot is an easy way to make sure all of the performers and event staff are happy.


Professional guitarist and instructor based in Alabama; performance, songwriting, and recording. Atlanta Institute of Music graduate. Part-time blogger.

Stageplot Software