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Warcraft 10.10.5 Pc

Maybe you’re having doubts with Blizzard’s decision to release Reforged instead of a brand new Warcraft IV. Well, obviously the game was made to look and feel like the original 2002 version but just to clear your expectations.This revamped version is an overall graphical update of the classic game which made the series propelled into the mainstream and laid the foundation of today’s. Buying the game later is in my mind the same as picking up the latest World of Warcraft expansion a month before the. Skill progression Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mana Cost 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12 Damage 1-43 1-51 1-60 1-69 1-77 1-86 1-95 1-103 1-116. Temple of Ahn'Qiraj loot-quests require tokens which drop from bosses, combined with a certain level of faction with the Brood of Nozdormu. ( Zul'Gurub and all post- Naxxramas tier sets use a similar system.) Players must collect five scarabs of two certain types (for a total of 10), two stone idols of a certain type, and a single Qiraji item.


Comentado por Lejxion

Possibly Vendors and or auction house?

Comentado por lookdh

Sounds like you trade material for material or gold for material with npcs and send your followers to deliver stuff to native villages maybe escort trader back home missions.

Comentado por Beetle01

This is one of the buildings that will be introduced with the Garrison in Warlords of Draenor expansion pack. This is the first level of 3, with 2 upgrades available.
This will very useful for all players, and has the following abilities for each level:
Level 1: Opens a new trading route and grants access to new trading missions.
Level 2: Opens an additional trade route.
Level 3: Unlocks Specializations.
This can only be placed on a medium lot.
Other buildings that can be placed on a medium lot include:
Estalagem de Quedaluna / Taverna da Muralha de Gelo Nível 1
Serraria Nível 1
Celeiro Nível 3

Comentado por Sixpac

Makes me wonder: Do we get exclusive access to Laughing Skull set transmogs when we upgrade this to level 3?

Comentado por MrLathus

Probably the first medium building you want to build plus upgrade as it looks to have the most uses..but we will see come Nov.

Warcraft 10.10.5 Map

Comentado por Teryx

Lets you trade 5 of a daily random reagent for 20 Recursos da Guarnição. 4 hours cooldown, meaning you can get maximum 840 Recursos da Guarnição though this channel per week. This is the same as for a Serraria Nível 1, but with the Mill you can potentially ingrease the yield if you get Pilarco, o Sempre-verde.
Spotted Talgaiir, o Ferrageiro there, not sure if he's the only vendor there or if there's a rotation.

Comentado por ilostmahbucket

Now 30 Garrison Resources per work order, making it better than Lumber Mill for your first medium building for garrison resource generation (as long as you have the gold to buy the materials for the work order or the ability to obtain them in the world).
The Lumber Mill's work orders increase from 20 to 30 Garrison Resources once you have unlocked level 3 Lumber Mill and have Phylarch the Evergreen assigned to it.
(TP level 1/2/3 = 1260 GR per week)
(LM level 1/2 = 840 GR per week)
(LM level 3 with follower = 1260 GR per week)

Comentado por Kakapenka

Work orders yield 30xRecursos da Guarnição at the moment
the resident trader on all my alts yesterday was Krixel Beliscapito and today is Talgaiir, o Ferrageiro
here are the npcs i found so far:
Krixel Beliscapito
Pisca Trocatroco
Comerciante Yula
Talgaiir, o Ferrageiro
Mercador Portaruus
I suspect they all have different pricing for different categories of mats. Testing is underway.

Comentado por lminchillo

The prices on your Trader varies from day to day. I'll update this post with the different values based on the current work order available.

Work Order ItemSumptuous FurTalador OrchidNagrand ArrowbloomBlackrock Ore
VendorTrader YulaPyxni PennypocketTradesman PortanuusTradesman Portanuus

Comentado por decembre

If you have a lot of gold to burn, you can convert your gold into Recursos da Guarnição with a Posto Comercial Nível 1 (or higher).
Buy cheap mats on the auction house (be quick as it clears out fast!), and use work orders to trade them for 30 Recursos da Guarnição. It changes per day, so have room to bank surplus as you wait for a trade to be available.

Comentado por masterc34

Here is a list of vendors that show up at the post with the best for each area.
Best for Fish/Leather: Mascostela (Horde), Krixel Beliscapito (Horde), Krixel Beliscapito (Alliance) and Talgaiir, o Ferrageiro (Alliance) with the fishing items and Pelego de Fera Cru at 20 Recursos da Guarnição.
Best for Ore: Comerciante Yula (Alliance) at 20 Recursos da Guarnição.
Best for Herbs: Pisca Trocatroco (Horde) and Pisca Trocatroco (Alliance) at 20 Recursos da Guarnição.
Best for Meat: Krixel Beliscapito (Horde) Krixel Beliscapito (Alliance) with the Meat items at 20 and 25 Recursos da Guarnição.
Best for Enchanting/Cloth: Pisca Trocatroco (Horde) and Pisca Trocatroco (Alliance) at 20 Recursos da Guarnição.
Best for Lótus Camaleão: Mercador Portaruus (Alliance) at 20 Recursos da Guarnição.
This is the List of all possible vendors:
Mascostela: Fish / Leather 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Pisca Trocatroco: Herbs / Poeira Draenoriana 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Krixel Beliscapito: Meats/ Fish 20x and 25xRecursos da Guarnição
Tai'tasi: 30xRecursos da Guarnição all items except gold packs
Anciã Courocerto: Ore / Pele Suntuosa 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Krixel Beliscapito: Meats/ Fish 20x and 25x Recursos da Guarnição
Pisca Trocatroco: Herbs / Poeira Draenoriana 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Comerciante Yula: Ore / Pele Suntuosa 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Talgaiir, o Ferrageiro: Fish / Pelego de Fera Cru 20xRecursos da Guarnição
Mercador Portaruus: Lótus Camaleão 20xRecursos da Guarnição
All work orders are a daily random item (It is possible for the same item two+ days in a row, but I have not seen it yet.) and give out the same amount of Recursos da Guarnição per work order(30x).
Vendors and work orders can be different every day.
here is a list of WO/ V over 2 weeks. To verify any type of pattern.
11/30/14 -----work order: Minério da Rocha Negra -----Vendor: Krixel Beliscapito
12/1/14 ------work order: Poeira Draenoriana -----Vendor: Comerciante Yula
12/2/14 ------work order: Papa-mosca de Gorgrond -----Vendor: Krixel Beliscapito
12/3/14 -------work order: Orquídea de Talador -----Vendor: Pisca Trocatroco
12/4/14 -------work order: Pelego de Fera Cru -----Vendor: Mercador Portaruus
12/5/14 ------work order: Ervígnea ------Vendor: Mercador Portaruus
12/6/14 ------work order: Minério da Rocha Negra -----Vendor: Mercador Portaruus
12/7/14 ------work order: Minério da Rocha Negra ------Vendor: Comerciante Yula
12/8/14 ------work order: Pele Suntuosa ------Vendor: Pisca Trocatroco
12/9/14 ------work order: Ponta-de-seta de Nagrand ------Vendor: Pisca Trocatroco
12/10/14 ----work order: Pele Suntuosa ------Vendor: Pisca Trocatroco
12/11/14 ----work order: Ervígnea ------Vendor: Pisca Trocatroco
12/12/14 ----work order: Ervígnea ------Vendor: Comerciante Yula
12/13/14 ----work order: Papa-mosca de Gorgrond ------Vendor: Krixel Beliscapito

Comentado por Octayvius

Does any one know how fast work orders for the trading post are?

Comentado por mamamu91

You can replace this building with something else and you will keep your rep with laughing skull and you can use helms for transmog, pet, mount etc. But you cant buy them anymore until you build Trading post lvl2 again.

Comentado por stickshift

Is the vendor/mats the same for all players on a given day?
I know that it is for my characters, but I noticed an Auction House spike in Gorgrond Flytrap today (which is also the trader currency today) and wondered if that reflected it.
Xururuca asked this question first in a reply to Teryx's post but it seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle.

Comentado por Bandeeto

Even though you can build the Level 2 Trading Post by 92 with Notas de Montagem de Prédio de Posto Avançado. You can't unlock the quest for the Auctioneer until 96. Was a little bit of a disappointment for me.

Comentado por myrkat

update for 6.1: the traders no longer sell stacks of 5 items for 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 (as they were priced); instead, the traders now sell single items (i.e. 1 ore, 1 dust) for 1/5th the old price (basically everything was divided by 5 – quantity and price). I have updated the table to reflect this.
Here is a quick 'cheat sheet' I use to remember from whom I should buy:
(may need to size your browser to read the table clearly, apologies for spamming this among all the pertinent wowhead pages)
Name Ore Dust Fur Herbs Hide Meat Flesh
----------- --- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- -----
Yula 4* 5 4* 8 10 5 8
Talgaiir 10 10 5 5 4* 8 4*
Portanuus 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Krixel 6 8 10 10 8 4* 5
Pyxni 8 4* 8 4* 8 10 10
Surehide 4* 5 4* 8 10 5 8
Ribchewer 10 10 5 5 4* 8 4*
Tai'tasi 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
The pattern here, is that there are three (3) traders for the Alliance and three for the Horde, all with the same prices (obviously, or there'd be an outcry); there are also two (2) neutral traders that sell to both sides.
The lowest price for a good is 4Recursos da Guarnição, with the 'worst' price being 10 GR. Each side has a 'break even' trader, who sells all goods for 6 GR (Portanuus & Tai'tasi). One profits on any price below 6 GR, and loses on anything above; hence, the 'break even.'
Ore includes both ore types, Herbs include all the herbs, etc. Meat is the raw meat and egg, while Flesh is the fish flesh (pretty self-explanatory). They all sell the Saco de Ouro Contrabandeado and Bolsa de Ouro Ensanguentado for the same prices.

Comentado por mychatposts

NOTE: I don't know if this is frowned on but I'm reposting this from my level 2 trading post comments as a PSA so others will not have their heart palpitations like I did. Having only checked the level 1 trading post comments here before putting up the building, apparently I didn't research this building as well as I thought I had. When I built the trading post and got it to level 2, hoping for my auctioneer to appear, I got a little nasty surprise.
If you're thinking of spending 1000g + to build a trading post just to get the auctioneer (like I did), get ready for a little surprise: You're gonna have to spend way more time farming and dig much deeper in your pockets (another 38k to 47k gold as of April 2015 on Emerald Dream) before you ever see an auctioneer in your garrison.
The description for the level 2 trading post is:
'Level 2 Trading Post: Enables access to the auction house.' Cool, right?
Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate or forthcoming. The tooltip should read 'Level 2 Trading Post: Enables access to a very expensive or time-consuming quest which completes with receiving an auctioneer.' But I guess the writers needed to keep it brief. Details be damned!
Here are the details:
The level 2 trading post doesn't come ready made with an auctioneer like the storehouse comes with an NPC for your bank. Once you complete the building and upgrade it to level 2, you'll need to complete the quest O leilão das peças , which will either be vastly time-consuming or pretty expensive (it used to be 100 to 150k), depending on your situation. The objective of the quest is to grind, raid, and pvp all over Draenor to procure all the parts to 'build' your auctioneer with an assortment of modules.
But this ain't no mini 30 minute garrison building quest with a detailed how-to available on the web. You don't just 'find' the components by going to exactly 42,34 in Talador and killing a mob with a guaranteed drop. You have to construct each module which consists of another 3 to 4 components you have to farm at pretty low drop rates (about 1 in 50ish for the least rare items to 12/2000 for the most rare) doing everything from raids to PVP to grinding. Yup. You gotta do Highmaul AND Ashran (gear check, anyone?). Alternatively, you can buy the components and completed modules on the AH. However, some modules cost as much as 20 to 40k each, or way more depending on the server and availability. Note: By the way, check component AND module prices. Sometimes completed modules are way cheaper than the total price of the components, sometimes buying the individual components is way cheaper than the module.
With drop rates of 2% and lower on some items you get from spending an evening queuing to do a whole raid, I guesstimate you would have to spend close to 50 hours solid playing time to farm all the mats and components required to build the auctioneer. If you prefer to pay to play, you'd be possibly spending 50,000 gold or more for the parts at current server prices. I told you, this wasn't gonna be about simply paying 1000g for a blueprint and getting your auctioneer. That 1000g is just a down payment on getting the privilege to do the quest.
Now I'm not saying that Blizz erred in any way by making this so challenging. If it were easy, everyone would have a garrison auctioneer and the cities would be empty. No.. the garrison auctioneer is probably only originally intended for the truly dedicated or lazily wealthy who can sell tokens.
The lesson here, which no doubt you have also learned by now, is that when you're planning your garrison, you can't always rely on building tooltips, or guides for that matter, to tell you the full story. Now that you are informed, you may decide to go ahead and build your trading post and do O leilão das peças to get your auctioneer. Please read the quest and the comments carefully, open a spreadsheet and price everything out on your server before undertaking this. Note: From my analysis, the prices on components vary widely from day to day. Something that is 187% one day can be 36% the next day. If you're ready to do some grinding, I'm sure it's a fun challenge and enormously gratifying.
But even with the auctioneer you're still going to have to run to the mailbox to get your stuff and.. your alts can't use it. Correct me if I'm wrong, you can't log into two of your toons at the same time and have your other toons visit you. What's more, completing the quest is.. drumroll.. NOT account wide. (Your freeloading raiding friends, however, can use your auctioneer which might make you modestly popular for a while til they get sick of asking you for permission to use it). Of course, there will be that one day you forgot your potions 5 minutes before a raid and you'll be so psyched you can jump in your garrison AH to grab some, but unless you're just insanely disorganized, that's going to happen, like.. once. Then again, you could compensate for your lack of organization ahead of time, forego the whole garrison auctioneer thing and just set your hearth to a city with an AH.
Other than that, just stick with your bank alt. The total time and gold spent logging over to your bank alt twice a day during all the years you play is probably far less than what you'd spend to build an auctioneer only one toon can use.
Now full disclosure, I went ahead and spent about 38k gold patiently buying all the parts for this on the cheap. It's nice to have the auctioneer in my garrison. To sum it up, it's kind of like having a two person jacuzzi in your bathroom (I have one, actually IRL so I know) but there are cheaper ways to take a bath. It's worth it for 40k or less. But for any more than that, meh.. I still use my bank alt to do all my AH trading because it's more organized that way and I don't have trade items cluttering the bags with my raiding essentials. With my AH and my storehouse, the only reason I leave my garrison is to raid or pick up my seals.. and being so busy taking baths in my 2 person jacuzzi, it's nice.
I hope this post saved you some money and time. Now what can I do to interest you in a super rare mount?
*** This message has been approved by the Bank Alt Worker's Union of Azeroth Local 42 ***

Comentado por dillybar

So you have an alt toon that has 10,000 garrison resources (or close to it) and you want to be able to trade resources with the <Trader> in order to get materials for your main alt's professions.
I wasn't able to find the trader, then realized why. The work orders NPC (for Horde, Fayla Fairfeather), has the quest Os truques do ofício/Os truques do ofício, easy quest, you go out, give a drink to the daily Trading Post trader (who is out sleeping on the job!) and once you turn the quest in, the trader shows up in your Trading Post.
VOILA, you can trade your resources now!

Comentado por irishlord

Now with legion patch stuff that use to cost 6 now cost 36. So you get 6 times less now.

O Posto Comercial é o centro do comércio entre a guarnição e os nativos de Draenor.


Um comerciante aparece todos os dias para negociar mercadorias. Possibilita a troca de reagentes de criação por recursos da guarnição.




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Комментарий от Kakapenka

sells stacks of 5:
  • ore for 40 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • enchanting dust for 20 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • fur for 40 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • herbs for 20 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • leather for 40 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • meat/eggs for 50 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • fish meat for 50 Ресурсы гарнизона
  • gold bag for 50 Ресурсы гарнизона

Warcraft 10.10.5 Cheats

since trading post work orders return 30 Ресурсы гарнизона the profitable goods to buy from her are enchanting dust and herbs. Keep in mind you might not see certain type of work orders for a while and sometimes work orders might be Апекситовый кристалл.
Can someone please confirm those prices in the horde garrison?

Комментарий от myrkat

update for 6.1: the traders no longer sell stacks of 5 items for 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 (as they were priced); instead, the traders now sell single items (i.e. 1 ore, 1 dust) for 1/5th the old price (basically everything was divided by 5 – quantity and price). I have updated the table to reflect this.
Here is a quick 'cheat sheet' I use to remember from whom I should buy:
(may need to size your browser to read the table clearly, apologies for spamming this among all the pertinent wowhead pages)
Name Ore Dust Fur Herbs Hide Meat Flesh
----------- --- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- -----
Yula 4* 5 4* 8 10 5 8
Talgaiir 10 10 5 5 4* 8 4*
Portanuus 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Krixel 6 8 10 10 8 4* 5
Pyxni 8 4* 8 4* 8 10 10
Surehide 4* 5 4* 8 10 5 8
Ribchewer 10 10 5 5 4* 8 4*
Tai'tasi 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
The pattern here, is that there are three (3) traders for the Alliance and three for the Horde, all with the same prices (obviously, or there'd be an outcry); there are also two (2) neutral traders that sell to both sides.
The lowest price for a good is 4Ресурсы гарнизона, with the 'worst' price being 10 GR. Each side has a 'break even' trader, who sells all goods for 6 GR (Portanuus & Tai'tasi). One profits on any price below 6 GR, and loses on anything above; hence, the 'break even.'
Ore includes both ore types, Herbs include all the herbs, etc. Meat is the raw meat and egg, while Flesh is the fish flesh (pretty self-explanatory). They all sell the Контрабандный мешочек монет and Окровавленный кошель с золотом for the same prices.

Комментарий от ilostmahbucket

'/click StaticPopup1Button1'
Macro that auto clicks yes for the pop-up so you can quickly spend 5000 garrison resources on whatever items you want to buy from this vendor.

Комментарий от phazed

This short macro that will buy any of the vendors items with just one click and no pop-up.
/run BuyMerchantItem(11)
Using the number (11) will purchase x5 Сырая шкура зверя which is the top left item on the second page.
The trick is to change the number at the end of the macro line to specify which item you want. The items are numbered starting on the vendor's first page from the top left (1), top right (2), second down left (3), second down right (4) and so on.
First Page Second Page Third Page
1 - 2 11 - 12 21 - 22
3 - 4 13 - 14 23 - 24
5 - 6 15 - 16 25 - 26
7 - 8 17 - 18 27
9 - 10 19 - 20

Комментарий от tale

For Pyxni Pennypocket to appear, you must have built a Trading Post on one of your Medium plots.
Besides the two macros mentioned that can help with bulk purchases, if you are okay with add-ons then BuyEmAll is very useful:
You can easily buy a stack at a time, or as many as you can afford and will fit in your bags, or a specific number. For a specific number it has to be a multiple of 5 for the resources sold by this trader; the game won't let you buy a portion of what he has on offer. Edit: As of 5.1, the resources are sold as single items.

Комментарий от Henderman

Динки Деньжатникс sells reagents for less than Файла Светлое Перо pays for them. So you can flip the resources you buy from Динки Деньжатникс to earn additional resources.
Every day you see Динки Деньжатникс check with Файла Светлое Перо to see what reagents she is buying. Buy the reagents from Динки Деньжатникс and trade them to Файла Светлое Перо. Profit!
Also works with Реброжор

Комментарий от Wowzir

Regarding buying items in bulk from the garrison traders
I am not sure if this represents a recent change or not, however I discovered that once you <shift>-click an item in the trader's UI, you can simply type in a desired quantity of the item up to the maximum stack size for that item.
This promises to bring reductions in aggravation as well as repetitive stress injuries.
You can make your entries using main keyboard numeric keys and/or the number pad keys (And, yes, you could use a combination of both, Weisenheimer).
It is not even necessary to click in the number display area in order to enter the quantity.
Этот NPC может быть найден в следующих зонах: Ледяные скалы (13).


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Warcraft 10.10.5 map

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